Sunday, August 01, 2004

Of prosperous suburbs and The Others

Still in the spirit of It Feels So Good to Be Home, we went for a drive around Perth area, in particular the more prosperous suburbs of Mosman Park/Dalkeith/North Freemantle.. just to set our bearings back, especially after seeing Bangsar and Damansara Heights in Kuala Lumpur.

And well what can I say? At least here in Perth, the big houses are slightly more reasonable in style, with plenty of moderation. Nothing excessive nor yucky. Except for a few stray ones (which were probably owned by some Singaporean businessmen.. So definitely can't be helped there).

The OthersAt night time, after dinner, there was the movie The Others starring Aussie's all-time-sweetheart Nicole Kidman, shown on Channel 7.

Since there was nothing else to do tonight, I've decided to watch this critically acclaimed movie.

The Others - Poster1For a start, the pace of the movie was so damn slow! I was on the verge of turning mad, just for the first one hour of the movie. So that instead of just sitting there on the sofa, getting excruciatingly bored to death, I decided to do a little of washing up the dishes, and cleaning up the mess in the kitchen.

And it wasn't a bad idea after all.

Not only I got to do the cleaning up (rather than wait later before bed time), the movie picked up its pace in the later part of it. And my attention was finally caught by it this time around.

The Others - Poster2As the movie unfolds further, there was so much twists and turns, that the wait wasn't a waste of time after all.

I wouldn't dwell further in the details of the plot, but let's just say that if you like the surprise bit in the movie Sixth Sense (starring that boy Harvey Joel Osment with his very famous lines, "I see dead people.."), then you'll definitely love this one too.

In the end, everything falls back in place, and all the boring bits in the earlier part of the movie, slowly unfolds and explained in the end.

All I can say is, I wasn't disappointed with the whole movie at all, except that if only they had edited it better to tightens up the earlier part of the show, I would have been even more happier.

Not bad for a Sunday night movie..


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