Thursday, July 29, 2004

The war of the weeps

In continuation of my last post regarding my surprise finding on the current fascination among Malaysians on their reality TV talent search shows (refer here), I also posted a comment on
Serabut's LJ regarding the same issue:

Akademi Fantasia Logo

It really amazed me during my recent short return to KL, when I noticed how much the people really dig into their local reality starsearch show!

At my sis' place, they constantly put their Astro Channel on the reruns of THAT other similar-formatted show "Akademi Fantasia".. and the funniest thing was that even the KIDS (that'll be my nieces and nephews, who were barely out of their kindergarten days!) were following the whole TV show thingy too..

*Yikes!* Is THAT all what Malaysians back home are watching? Or was it just MY family?! *Shudder*

And getting back to the "Malaysian Idol" topic, did you notice that most of the contestants are so Adik-Adik ('sisters', hehe) and very der very meh meh one.. Why, ah? (At least in "Akademi Fantasia" we all KNOW that only Aznil IS the over-acting drama QUEEN!! Him, and that other girl from Borneo who keep relying on 'Undi Simpati', ie sympathy votes) :-P

Boy, am I glad I'm back in Oz, so I could just dig my head into the reruns of The Simpsons.. (They show it ALL the time here!)

Malaysian Idol Logo

Funnily enough, there was a short excerpt on Malaysian Idols in Tonight's episode of Mondo Thingo, where a remarks of a certain Malaysian opposition party members were quoted, saying how he worried that this whole (sad) Idol phenomenon is making young Malaysians weak, and them too concentrating on their effort to embrace glamour life.. -- complete with clips of various young Malaysian contestants during their Idol audition.. HORRIBLY awful!

May God has mercy on us all..


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