Wednesday, July 14, 2004

The thorns among the roses

Menopause The MusicalIt was nice to see Alan again.

I missed the chance to do so the last time I was back in KL (about 8 months ago) when Neil and I were on our way for our Christmas holidays in Europe.

Anyway, prior to the show which is staged at the Bangsar Shopping Centre, we went for some dinner (a light one for me, since my Mom and Sis had made sure they stuffed me first with all the nice dishes they had cooked at my sister's place. I know, I'm a pig!) and had a really good chat.

And, we also had a great time watching the musical too!

And it was really awkward being in the minority of men in the full-house audiences of women.

The original US-cast were terrific, and everybody seems to be so connected with the women-ly issues they brought up in their songs. Although, I have to admit, it could get a tad bit squeamish, listening to all that.. Something to do with thrush, or flush, or something like that! (I know.. *Eeeeeeeewww..!*)

And I thought it was already traumatic enough for me in my childhood having to deal with buying Kotex New Freedom (see, I even still remember the full name brand!) from our local shop, for my sisters..

*shudder to think about it now*


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