Thursday, October 21, 2004

The pikchures are ready!

Went to pick up the holidays photo on the way back from college today... Woohoo!!

I guess the holiday bug still hasn't completely left me, so I ended up going through the shots one by one once I reached home. Reminiscing the good time we had back in Paris, Berlin & Vienna.

Unfortunately, there's so many of them photos, it would have to end up like the rest of our photo collection from the previous holidays, collecting dust inside the respective photo envelopes, rather than being arranged neatly in a proper photo album.

[Gosh.. gotta get myself organized, and get all those photos in place too! ]

OR.. I could scan them and put it over the net?!

[Arrrggghhh.. Noooooo.. too much work to do..!!]

Aisehh.. what to do? :-/


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