Friday, September 03, 2004

You got the time?

Just added a ClockLink's [city/date/time(zone)] digital clock into the blog, especially for those who always wonder what time it is in Perth.. :-)


Blogger Jarle Petterson said...

Now that's pretty natty. I can see from your local time that you're probably preparing for a chat with good old Sandman, or at least in a few hours' time, provided you're not the nightclubbing type, that is. For your information, office hours are over just about now in these parts, which means I'm off for a weekend spent with wife and daughter. And who knows, now that I'm done with the most pressing assignments, maybe there'll even be time for a bit of blogging now and again. I really admire those who manage to keep an updated blog, provided they have otherwise active lives, that is.

Have a good one, azmi – and take care.

Jarle Petterson, Oslo

Friday, September 03, 2004 10:02:00 pm  
Blogger jazz said...

Hey that's really neat! Oooh, didn't realise that there's negligible time difference b/w Singapore and Perth. :-)

Monday, September 06, 2004 3:07:00 pm  
Blogger azmi | 2¢ said...

Hello Jarle:Now that's pretty nattyHehehe.. Of course!

you're probably preparing for a chat with good old Sandman..Coincidentally, you were right, there! I was about to go to bed, at the time when you wrote the message. And these days, I rarely ventured out clubbing, partly due to the cold weather (it's about the end of winter in DownUnder). Anyway, wouldn't mind going out dancing a little bit, as soon as the weather is slightly better and warmer.

At least, you shouldd be having some good quality time with your family too over the weekend.. so THAT's good, I suppose.. ;-)

I really admire those who manage to keep an updated blog, provided they have otherwise active lives, that is.I agree.. All the stuff in RL is hard enough for me to cope, now let alone all these blogging stuff too! *phew*

Hello Jazz:Oooh, didn't realise that there's negligible time difference b/w Singapore and PerthHaha.. NOW you know!

Funny thing is so many people take for granted the time zone, at least between Hong Kong - Kuala Lumpur - Singapore - Perth, (and why do I know all these? It's because, I got friends in all these places too! Hehe..) which are all the same, at +8.00 hrs GMT..

Besides, I'm tired of having to tell the same thing whenever people ask me the time here.. so there you go.. Now, they can do their time maths on their own! :-P Hehe..

Monday, September 06, 2004 4:04:00 pm  

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