Wednesday, September 29, 2004


Oh boy oh boy oh boy oh boy OH BOY!!

I've been so busy for the past few months, and couldn't even get enough time (since no time would ever be enough for me, being a helpless perfectionist, hehehh) to update the blog.
Which is why I've been blog-hopping in between doing the assignments, reading out other people's blog just to satisfy my cravings. Yes, I know, I'm a blogaholics, but hey, that's a wholenew story for some other time.

Furthermore, for the past 2 weeks, I've been doing long hours of CAD drawings work at the computer lab in college. And when I say long hours, I mean VERY long; like from 7:30am right up till about 8pm at night. :-S


And my bloody back is killing me too. Adoii.. sakitnya.

The only good outcome out of this misery, is the fact that we'd be leaving for a short holiday VERY soon!! Hehehe..

2 weeks of pure bliss of fun and relax, and most importantly NO homework.
(Well.. nothing much that I can do about the last bit, since I can't lug the ol' PC to where we're going; so the school work HAS to wait till I come back.. Hehehhhh.. *evil laugh*)

At the moment, am still at college, squeezing up the hours until the last bit, doing as much work as I can. Because tomorrow, it's hasta la vista baby and see 'ya when I get back!



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