Tuesday, October 19, 2004

The return of the zombie

Yeah.. sounds like a title from some old B-movie, I know.. but THAT's exactly how I've been feeling this past 2 days.

Oh, and before I proceed, to those who still haven't got a faintest idea what I've been up to for the past 18 days: I've been away on a short trip to Paris/Berlin/Vienna, and had just return home last Sunday. Hence the zombie-like feeling.

Jet lag. *Ughh* how I really hate those two words.

I'd always tell myself, it's only a mind over matter thingy. I'll just will myself to tell my body that everything is fine and under control.. and I could just continue my life accordingly, after THAT 20-hour return trip from Vienna (including a short 3-hour transit in KLIA) into Perth.

Hoo boy.. was I totally wrong!

Despite having the help of a sleeping pill to ensure I sleep deeply on Sunday night.. the results was still less than satisfying on yesterday Monday morning.

Heading back to college (yup, term breaks' over unfortunately), everything seemed to be moving in such a slow-motion, as if somebody is toying with the remote control buttons.

Furthermore, the non-stop thump-thumping sound in my head doesn't make anything easier for me either.. o_O))

If what's been said about recovering from jet lag is true, I'm going to be like this for a total of 6 days, for all the 6 time zones that I crossed.

That's another 4 more days to go..! *shucks*

Couldn't concentrate in classes.
Couldn't concentrate on finishing the CAD drawings on the PC.
Couldn't be bothered surfing the net.
Couldn't walk straight without the risk of bumping into something or someone.
Couldn't even keep the brain stay awake, for God sake!

At least, at home, all our dirty laundry from the trip had been washed and put away (with the help of my darling Neil, -- of course! -- where I unpacked the bags and sorted out the dirty clothes, he put them in the washing machine, hanged them out to dry and picked them up from the clothes lines, and then, I folded them up and stored the freshly clean clothes accordingly.. Just like what any other hubbies would have done! Hehe..)

AND.. I've also sent out the holidays photos for processing (all 7 rolls of them! Heh.) and kind of looking forward to get it back.

In the mean time, please excuse me. I think I'll go have a nap, and use the PC keyboard as my pillow..

-_- *Zzzzzzzzzzzzz...*


Anonymous Anonymous said...

*grins* so you went to Europe and didn't ask me along. Heh. hehehe.. anyway, hope you enjoyed your trip. Now where are the pics?? hmm...

Tuesday, October 26, 2004 10:42:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

and in case you were wondering..

hehehe.. tht was me. AGAIN. the same mistake by virtue of posting anonymously.


Tuesday, October 26, 2004 10:44:00 pm  
Blogger azmi | 2¢ said...

Of course I knew it was YOU Vincent! Hehehhh..

Tuesday, November 09, 2004 11:36:00 am  

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