Thursday, June 24, 2004

sad news

sad and blue Received a txt message from my Sis yesterday saying there was a death in the family. It was my Mom's brother in-law who was involved in a nasty accident, involving a head-on collision with a bus from the opposite direction.

Talking to Sis (and also to my Mom) over the phone later that night, she said that they are all getting ready to go for his funeral early tomorrow morning.

I can't even imagine how dreadful the situation could have been at the scene of the accident. It would be such a horrible news to his dear family.

It's amazing how some news like this just made you sit up and ponder about our own mortality. Life's SO short and death could just creep up to any of us at any time.

At least it made me realised how lucky I am just to LIVE at this very minute, and also appreaciate more of the life that I have. Even the simplest thing in life seems to be so special in its own way.

loving cuddle Later last night as we were watching the late night news on TV, I looked at Neil as he was sipping his Horlick drink before bedtime (to help him sleep better), and it just made me smile. I know how lucky I am just to be able to have that special quiet moment together, just as special as any other days in our lives.

My sincere heartfelt condolences to my Aunt and the rest of her family..


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