Thursday, June 10, 2004

What a life

Madonna's American Life CD Cover
Finally! I got Madonna's "American Life" CD.. And I thought I'd never buy it, since it wasn't quite UP to her normal musical standard.

But then, the offer at JB-HiFi in Hay Street Mall was just too impossible to ignore. At $12.99, hey.. that's the best price (el chepo! Hehehe) I've seen on that album so far.. so why not?! :-)

Had a few full run through of the whole album, and it was an overall a GOOD album, yet not quite on the par like "Like a Prayer", "Ray of Light", or even "Music". It's a tad bit too folksy, probably due to Madonna's new fascination in playing guitar. And, of course, there's the lack of a great dancy tunes in the album too -- or she's probably relying on some future remixes of those songs to cater for that.

And what made the album more disappointing was the fact when she decided to be politically correct, and cancelled the release of the music video to the first single "American Life", and replaced it with some LAME subtitute. HELLO!? Since when does OUR Madonna suddenly concern about how her political contents in her music, videos, etc might affect others?

THAT's when I think Madonna jumped the shark.

She should have stayed true to her original ideas and belief, rather than worrying about the possible impact of THAT (original)video might have on the possible WAR situation at that time..

Suddenly, Madonna 'the sophisticated', become Madonna the ol' fuddy duddy.. I wonder whether motherhood and her Kaballah's belief had anything to do with this current disappointing creativity output?

*sigh*.. I miss her old stronger self image, and I still haven't lost my faith in her. At least NOT YET!! Let's just hope she will get back to her senses, and concentrate to ONE thing that really made her big in the first place: great music!

I'll definitely be waiting for her next studio album, and am crossing my fingers too... VERY tightly.


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