Thursday, June 03, 2004

Friends forever?!

I guess not.

And I'm referring to F.R.I.E.N.D.S. The TV show, of course.
Channel 10 showed an episode of Oprah last Monday nite (May 31st 2001, 8:30pm) where she interviewed the cast of FRIENDS (the first for their farewell final TV show).

The Americans had already been lucky enough to be able to watch the final episode, unlike the Australians who are still made to wait.. till whenever.

I know Channel 9's going to drag the schedule for the final episode as long as they can, and filling the current TV timeslot with endless reruns of the show.

There's nothing wrong with THAT of course, but what are they waiting for anyway? Until all the hype is gone, will they THEN decide to screen it? THAT'S so LAME!! (TV programmers are the worst of its kind in the whole world.. They'll always stuffed it up! *Damn!*)

So, it'll be a few more weeks (if I'm lucky) till I'd be able to see my dearest FRIENDS say their goodbyes. In the meantime, I'll just have to be happy with the reruns on telly.

On that note, come to think of it, FRIENDS do ended up being forever after all.. in syndication reruns! ;-)


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